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“The Long Blue Walk: My Journey as a Philly Cop” by Norman A. Carter, Jr.

An autobiographical account of a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Officer’s refusal to accept brutality and corruption as standard operational procedure.
His exposing of blatant corruption lead to his being targeted for corporately sanctioned retaliation that nearly cost him his career.
This candid and sometimes unsettlingly book opens readers to the socialization process that can lead some Police Officers down a dark path.
“For years, I tried to expose poor police practices and criminalized Police Officers.  I was met with administrative lethargy, systemic retaliation, and character assassination.” (Introduction)
“By the end of 1970, I learned that fear and ostracization are the maintenance tools for encapsulating the ‘Code of Silence’ or ‘Blue Wall.’’ (Page 51)
“Another Officer added, ‘If you are going to lock up Rocky, you are going to have to lock up half the cops in the 5th District.’’ (Page 76)
”…either you are a cop or a crook.  You cannot be both.” (Page 90)
“Staff Inspector Lassister…..walked into the Captain’s Office and his first words were ‘How do we get rid of this mother…..’ He was talking about you.”
“Dirty money sticks to the hands of greedy cops.”  (Page 165)
“…a Police Officer will have a paucity of allies when he/she takes a stand against corrupt and illegal activities by other Police Officers.”  (Page 187)



Mzmony – Telling the truth about those who trample on their sworn duty to serve and protect for personal gain could get one killed…..for not having allegiance to the ‘blue line’”
Jessie Reed-Benton (author of “Black and Blue: The Autobiographical Account of a Life and Career Discarded”) – “Now, the author makes it known that there are many, many other officers besides himself who were and are determined to serve with honor and integrity. This retired officer boldly tells his truth….”
William R. Patterson – “This is a story about a fine Philadelphia police officer who showed from inside out how tough but rewarding it can be to be a good cop.”
Janis B. “Good book everyone who has ever had any dealings with the police should read.”
JG“All I can say is that you are the true leader, the person you want to be mentored by, the person who you look up to because of your integrity, the person who seek the ultimate truth, the person who has your back, the person who is  never defeated, and most importantly the person who cares with all of his heart.”
Karen Rigby (Foreword-Clarion Review) – “Sections where the writing loosens to admit a personal voice bring necessary depth. An even-tempered tone keeps otherwise bleak portrayals of internal corruption from turning sensational; instead, the focus remains on Carter, rising above the mire.”
Mensah Dean (Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.) – “In the book, Carter recounts learning that mobsters connected to Philadelphia Mafia boss Angelo Bruno were “untouchable”; how it was the norm for police officers to “take a note” from those engaged in street crime; and how the department routinely underreported serious crimes such as rape and auto theft by coding them as lesser offenses.”


Norman A. Carter, Jr. (Retired Police Corporal) is available for radio interviews, television interviews, university and corporate presentations, book signings, and discussions.

Use the contact form below to schedule a presentation in your area.


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Norman A. Carter, Jr.


The Long Blue Walk: My Journey as a Philly Cop

678-815-5470 – CELL

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Edmund Burke